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AEDA (K-Project)


AEDA: Advanced Engineering Design Automation

The primary objective of this K-Project coordinated by V-Research (Coordinator: Vaheh Khachatouri) is to provide an integrated platform for the automation of engineering design tasks. The platform will consist of a conceptual framework, including generative methods and algorithms for design automation as well as a software framework based on the implementation of those methods. Additionally, it will include methods for knowledge acquisition as to the rules and procedures used by domain experts during the engineering design process. Metrics for a-priori as well as a-posteriori cost-benefit assessment of particular automation projects will round off the project deliverables.
AEDA will thus provide scientific contributions to major aspects of both Computational Design Synthesis and Knowledge Based Engineering.

The whole project is divided into 6 multi-firm and 2 strategic research projects:

  • Strategic Project 1: Design Synthesis and Component-Based Design Optimisatio
  • Strategic Project 2: Integrated Engineering Design Automation
  • Multifirm-Project 1: Test-Bed for Design Synthesis towards Optimisation of Original Designs
  • Multifirm-Project 2: Design Automation in Integrated Virtual Product Creation
  • Multifirm-Project 3: Automated Design Knowledge Acquisition
  • Multifirm-Project 4: Integrated Techniques for Design Model Analysis
  • Multifirm-Project 5: Automated Development and Optimisation of Modular Products
  • Multifirm-Project 6: Verification and Validation of Design Solutions

As setting the key researcher for SRP2, the role of our department is to provide
valuable scientifc inputs for and to actively contribute in the projects SRP2 and
MFP2,3 and 6 with our expertise:
1.) on expert knowledge acquistion,
2.) on formalization of expert knowledge (fuzzy expert systems, rule bases),
3.) on simulation-based multi-objective heuristics optimization and
4.) on techniques for fast optimal solutions employing surrogate mappings,
response surfaces and parallelization techniques.
Furthermore, any desired challenges in terms of adaptivity of framework components will be tackled as well.


v-Research (Vaheh Khachatouri)

Research Partners:

  • EDAC - Engineering Design and Computing Laboratory (ETH Zürich)
  • VC   - Visual Computing (Fraunhofer Austria, Graz)
  • PPE  - Process and Product Engineering (Univ. of Applied Sciences, Vorarlberg, Dornbirn)
  • KBMS - Department of Knowledge-Based Mathematical Systems (JKU Linz)
  • HEAL - Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Lab (FH OÖ)
  • MIVP - Mechanical Engineering Informatics and Virtual Product Development (TU Wien)
  • VRES - V-Research, Dornbirn

Industrial Partners:

  • Doppelmayr Seilbahnen GmbH (Doppelmayr)
  • Hans Künz GmbH (Künz)
  • Längle Glas GmbH (Längle)
  • Liebherr-Werk Nenzing GmbH (Liebherr)
  • LTW Intralogistics GmbH (LTW)
  • Lingenhöle Technologie GmbH (Lingenhöle)
  • Schelling Anlagenbau GmbH (Schelling)
  • TECHSOFT Datenverarbeitung GmbH (TECHSOFT)


Current Switch: