Ciprian Zavoianu

- Postdoctoral Researcher & University Assistant at JKU Linz since March 2015
- Researcher at FLLL since July 2011
- PhD in Computer Science at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, 2011-2015
- Master's Degree (MSc) in Computer Science at the West University of Timisoara / JKU Linz, 2008-2010 (ISI Hagenberg student fellowship between 2009-2010)
- Research intern at the Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory - HEAL Hagenberg, Austria, 2009-2010
- Research intern at the Research Institute e-Austria, Timisoara, Romania, 2008-2009
Personal homepage
If you want to take a quick look on some of my work over the years please check out my weblog. You can also find preprints and author versions of most of the manuscripts I authored or co-authored via ResearchGate.
Research interests
metaheuristics and optimization
- evolutionary computation (ES, GA, GP)
- population/swarm-based techniques (ACO, PSO)
- trajectory-based and memetic algorithms
- machine learning
- data mining methods
- parallel / distributed computing
Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Doris Entner, Thorsten Prante, Michael Hellwig, Martin Schwarz, Klara Fink: Multi-Objective Optimal Design of Obstacle-Avoiding Two-Dimensional Steiner Trees with Application to Ascent Assembly Engineering, Journal of Mechanical Design, Volume 140(6), page-ID 061401, DOI: 10.1115/1.4039009, ASME, 2018.
[preprintVersion.pdf - The final publication is available at ASME.]
Edwin Lughofer, Robert Pollak, Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Mahardhika Pratama, Pauline Mayer-Heye, Helmut Zörrer, Christian Eitzinger, Julia Haim, Thomas Radauer: Self-adaptive Evolving Forecast Models with Incremental PLS Space Updating for On-Line Prediction of Micro-Fluidic Chip Quality, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 68, pages 131-151 , Elsevier, 2018.
[For a preprint of the article, please contact the first author.]
Gerd Bramerdorfer and Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu: Surrogate-Based Multi-Objective Optimization of Electrical Machine Designs Facilitating Tolerance Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Volume 53(8), page-ID 8107611, IEEE, 2017.
[preprintVersion.pdf - The final publication is available at the IEEE Xplore website.]
Francisco Serdio, Edwin Lughofer, Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Kurt Pichler, Markus Pichler, Thomas Buchegger, Hajrudin Efendic: Improved Fault Detection employing Hybrid Memetic Fuzzy Modeling and Adaptive Filters, Applied Soft Computing, Volume 51, pages 60-82 , Elsevier Ltd., 2017.
[For a preprint of the article, please contact the first author.]
Gerd Bramerdorfer, Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Sigfried Silber, Edwin Lughofer, Wolfgang Amrhein: Possibilities for Speeding Up the FE-based Optimization of Electrical Machines - A Case Study, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Volume 52, Issue 6, pages 4668-4677, IEEE, 2016.
[For a preprint of the article, please contact the first author. The final publication is available at the IEEE Xplore website.]
Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Edwin Lughofer, Werner Koppelstätter, Günther Weidenholzer, Wolfgang Amrhein, Erich Peter Klement: Performance Comparison of Generational and Steady-State Asynchronous Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Computationally-Intensive Problems, Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 87, pages 47-60, Elsevier Ltd., 2015.
[preprintVersion.pdf - The final publication is available at]
Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Edwin Lughofer, Gerd Bramerdorfer, Wolfgang Amrhein, Erich Peter Klement: DECMO2: A Robust Hybrid and Adaptive Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm, Soft Computing, Volume 19, Issue 12, pages 3551-3569, Springer Berlin Haidelberg, 2015.
[preprintVersion.pdf - The final publication is available at Springer via]
Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Gerd Bramerdorfer, Edwin Lughofer, Siegfried Silber, Wolfgang Amrhein, Erich Peter Klement: Hybridization of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms and artificial neural networks for optimizing the performance of electrical drives, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 26, Issue 8, pages 1781-1794, Elsevier Ltd., 2013.
[preprintVersion.pdf - The final publication is available at]
Articles in Edited Volumes / Proceedings of Peer Reviewed Conferences
Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Edwin Lughofer, Wolfgang Amrhein: Two Enhancements for Improving the Convergence Speed of a Robust Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm, In GECCO'18: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, July 15-18, 2018, Kyoto, Japan, 8 pages, ACM, New York, NY, USA.
[authorCopy.pdf. - This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in the ACM DL,]
Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Edwin Lughofer, Robert Pollak, Pauline Mayer-Heye, Christian Eitzinger, Thomas Radauer: Multi-Objective Knowledge-Based Strategy for Process Parameter Optimization in Micro-Fluidic Chip Production, In Proceedings of the SSCI 2017 Conference (CIES workshop), pages 1927-1934, IEEE, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, November 27 - December 1, 2017.
[preprint.pdf - The final publication is available at the IEEE Xplore website.]
Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Doris Entner, Thorsten Prante, Michael Hellwig, Martin Schwarz, Klara Fink: On the Optimization of 2D Path Network Layouts in Engineering Designs via Evolutionary Computation Techniques, In Proceedings of EUROGEN 2017, Madrid, Spain, September 13-15, 2017.
Michael Hellwig, Doris Entner, Thorsten Prante, Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Martin Schwarz, Klara Fink: Optimization of Ascent Assembly Design based on a Combinatorial Problem Representation, In Proceedings of EUROGEN 2017, Madrid, Spain, September 13-15, 2017.
[For a preprint of the article, please contact the first author.]
Edwin Lughofer, Robert Pollak, Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Pauline Mayer-Heye, Helmuth Zörrer, Christian Eitzinger, Julia Heim, Thomas Radauer: Self-Adaptive Time-Series Based Forecast Models for Predicting Quality Criteria in Microfluidic Chip Production, Proceedings of IEEE Cybernetics Conference 2017, pages 1-8, Exeter, United Knigdom, 2017.
[For a preprint of the article, please contact the first author.]
Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Gerd Bramerdorfer, Edwin Lughofer, Susanne Saminger-Platz: Multi-Objective Topology Optimization of Electrical Machine Designs using Evolutionary Algorithms with Discrete and Real Encodings, In Roberto Moreno-Diaz et al. editors, Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2017, volume 10671 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 331-338. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2017.
[preprint.pdf - The final publication is available at]
Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Edwin Lughofer, Gerd Bramerdorfer, Wolfgang Amrhein, Susanne Saminger-Platz: A Surrogate-Based Strategy for Multi-Objective Tolerance Analysis in Electrical Machine Design, Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC 2015), pages 195-203. IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services (CPS), 2015.
[preprint.pdf - The final publication is available at the IEEE Xplore website.]
Gerd Bramerdorfer, Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Sigfried Silber, Edwin Lughofer, Wolfgang Amrhein: Speed Improvements for the Optimization of Electrical Machines - A Survey, IEMDC 2015, 10th IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, pages 1748-1754. Coeur d’Alène, Idaho, USA, 2015.
[For a preprint of the article, please contact the first author.]
Francisco Serdio, Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Edwin Lughofer, Kurt Pichler, Thomas Buchegger, Hajrudin Efendic: Hybrid Genetic-Fuzzy Systems for Improved Performance in Residual-Based Fault Detection, World Congress on Natural and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC 2014), pages 91-96. Porto, Portugal, 2014.
[For a preprint of the article, please contact the first author.]
Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Edwin Lughofer, Gerd Bramerdorfer, Wolfgang Amrhein, Erich Peter Klement: An Effective Ensemble-Based Method for Creating On-the-Fly Surrogate Fitness Functions for Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms, Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC 2013), pages 237-244. IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services (CPS), 2014.
[preprint.pdf - The final publication is available at the IEEE Xplore website.]
Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Edwin Lughofer, Wolfgang Amrhein, Erich Peter Klement: Efficient Multi-Objective Optimization Using 2-Population Cooperative Coevolution, In Roberto Moreno-Diaz et al. editors, Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2013, volume 8111 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 251-258. Springer Berlin Haidelberg, 2013.
[preprint.pdf - The final publication is available at]
Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Edwin Lughofer, Werner Koppelstätter, Günther Weidenholzer, Wolfgang Amrhein, Erich Peter Klement: On the Performance of Master-Slave Parallelization Methods for Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms, In Leszek Rutkowski et al. editors, Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, volume 7895 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 122-134. Springer Berlin Haidelberg, 2013.
[preprint.pdf - The final publication is available at]
Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Gerd Bramerdorfer, Edwin Lughofer, Siegfried Silber, Wolfgang Amrhein, Erich Peter Klement: A Hybrid Soft Computing Approach for Optimizing Design Parameters of Electrical Drives, In Václav Snášel et al. editors, Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications , volume 188 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pages 347-358. Springer Berlin Haidelberg, 2013.
[preprint.pdf - The final publication is available at]
Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Gabriel Kronberger, Michael Kommenda, Daniela Zaharie, Michael Affenzeller: Improving the Parsimony of Regression Models for an Enhanced Genetic Programming Process, In Roberto Moreno-Diaz et al. editors, Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2011, volume 6927 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 264-271. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
[preprint.pdf - The final publication is available at]
Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, Ciprian-Dorin Crăciun: On Sensor Data Simulation, In Stephen Watt et al. editors, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC 2009), pages 420-425. IEEE Computer Press, 2009.
[preprint.pdf - The final publication is available at the IEEE Xplore website.]
Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu Enhanced Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Computationally-Intensive Multi-Objective Optimization Problems, PhD Thesis, Johannes Kepler University Linz, January 2015, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15588.07048.
[closeToFinalDraft.pdf - The final publication is available at the JKU Library.]
Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu Towards Solution Parsimony in an Enhanced Genetic Programming Process, Master's Thesis, Johannes Kepler University Linz, July 2010.
[closeToFinalDraft.pdf - The final publication is available at the JKU Library.]
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