Susanne Saminger-Platz

- Mag. in Mathematics and Physics (secondary school teacher accreditation) at Technical University Vienna, Jan 2000
- Ph.D. in Mathematics at Johannes Kepler University Linz, final exam - Sept 2003
- Promotion sub auspiciis Praesidentis rei publicae Sept 2004
- Habilitation in Mathematics at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Aug 2009
- Since June 2000 assistant professor (Universitätsassistentin) at Johannes Kepler University
- Since Oct 2010 assoc. professor (Assoziierte Professorin) at Johannes Kepler University (currently in the framework of a parental part time employment)
- Since Oct 2014, interim head of the department
Materials and Links:
- Short curriculum vitae: in german (90 KB) [pdf]
- List of publications (70 KB) [pdf]
- FoDok
- Habilitation: thesis (6.5 MB) [pdf]
Research Interests:
Functional equations and inequalities, aggregation, application, analysis and solution of data- and knowledge-based decision and classification problems, dependence and preference modelling, many-valued and fuzzy logics, more precisely:
Functional equations and inequalities involving aggregation functions
in particular dominance of triangular norms, (quasi)-copulas and triangle functions - Construction of aggregation functions, especially triangular norms and (quasi)-copulas
- Many-valued and fuzzy logics
- Preservation of properties (of fuzzy relations and fuzzy measures) during aggregation processes
- Preference modelling and multicriteria-decision aid in many-valued and bipolar settings
- Applications of (quasi-)copulas in dependence and risk modelling
- Application, characterization and solution of data- and knowledge-based decision and classification tasks.
Related AMS-Classifications:
26D07, 39B62, 26B35; 20M30, 20M14, 06B05; 03E72, 04A72, 03B52; 60E05; 91B10, 54E70;
Hobbies & Interests:
- More or less regularly active in pilates, swimming, dancing, skiing, and biking; interests in literature, music, theater, fly-fishing, travelling, and volcanoes.
- INSPIRE - Inspection of prints in real-time (2000)
- IMMENSE - Interactive Multimedia Mathematics Education in Networked Universities for Social and Economic Sciences (2000-2002)
- CEEPUS Network SK-42 - "Fuzzy Control and Fuzzy Logic" (1995-2005)
- COST Action 274: "TARSKI -- Theory and Application of Relational Systems as Knowledge Systems" (2001-2005)
- "Mathematik im Selbststudium" (2002)
- "Formale Grundlagen 1 in WeLEARN" (2002)
- "Triangular Norms" - Project 42s2 in the framework of WTZ Austria-Slovakia, (2004)
- "Advanced Fuzzy Modeling" - Project 41p19 in the framework of WTZ Austria-Czech Republic (2005)
- "TEquality — Technik.Gender.Equality" (2004-2006)
- "CreaComp — e-Schulung von Kreativität und Problemlösungskompetenz" (2004-2007)
- "Formal Foundations of Fuzzy Preference Modelling" - Project 2007/17 in the framework of WTZ Austria-Czech Republic (2007-2008)
- "Copula Theory and its Applications" - Project PL 03/2008 in the framework of WTZ Austria-Poland (2008-2009)
- "Constructions of Multivariate Statistical Models with Copulas" - Project ES04/2008 in the framework of WTZ ``Acciones Integradas 2008-2009'' (2008-2009)
- "Multivariate dependence models in hydrology" - Project SK04/2009 in the framework of WTZ Austria-Slovakia (2009-2011)
- Program co-coordinator for the Program 2010 and 2012 "Success Strategies and Career Perspectives for Woman in Science and Academia" (karriere_links)
- "Fault Detection and with Data-Driven Models" - Research cooperation with LCM
- "Performance Optimization of Electrical Drives" - Research cooperation with LCM
- "Heuristic Optimization in Production and Logistics (HOPL)" - FFG K-Project (2014-2018)
- "Industrial Methods for Process Analytical Chemistry (imPACts)" - FFG K-Project (2014-2018)
- "Advanced Engineering Design Automation (AEDA)" - FFG K-Project (2014-2018)
- "Transfer Learning with Soft Computing Models for Regression Problems" - Research cooperation with SCCH