Robert Pollak

- Master degree (Diplom-Ingenieur) in Technical Mathematics / Information and Data Processing at JKU Linz in 1997
- Commercial C++ software development since 1999
- Research Assistant at FLLL since 2008
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OpenPGP Key: 7B40 4044 90B2 6745
In Refereed Journal:
- Zavoianu C., Lughofer, E., Pollak R., Eitzinger C., Radauer T.: A soft-computing framework for automated optimization of multiple product quality criteria with application to micro-fluidic chip production, in J. Applied Soft Computing, to appear.
- Lughofer, E., Zavoianu C., Pollak R., Pratama M., Meyer-Heye P., Zörrer H., Eitzinger C., Radauer T.: On-line Anomaly Detection with Advanced Independent Component Analysis of Multi-Variate Residual Signals from Causal Relation Networks, in J. Information Sciences, Volume 537, 2020, Pages 425-451
- Lughofer E., Zavoianu C., Pollak R., Pratama M., Meyer-Heye P., Zörrer H., Eitzinger C., Radauer T.: Autonomous Supervision and Optimization of Product Quality in a Multi-Stage Manufacturing Process based on Self-Adaptive Prediction Models, in J. Process Control, Volume 76, 2019, Pages 27–45
- Pollak R., Richter R.: Fingerprint indexing via BRIEF minutia descriptors, in: Int. J. Biometrics, Volume 11, 2019, Pages 101–112 [PDF]
- Lughofer E., Pollak R., Zavoianu C., Pratama M., Meyer-Heye P., Zörrer H., Eitzinger C., Haim J., Radauer T.: Self-Adaptive Evolving Forecast Models with Incremental PLS Space Updating for On-line Prediction of Micro-fluidic Chip Quality, in: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 68, February 2018, Pages 131–151
In Refereed Collection:
- Klement E., Bauer P., Bodenhofer U., Mittendorfer-Holzer M., Pollak R., Richter R., Exner H.: PapaGeno – vollautomatische menschenähnliche Qualitätskontrolle für Aufdrucke auf Compact Discs, in: Maria Wirth, Andreas Reichl, Marcus Gräser (Eds.): 50 Jahre Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. Innovationsfelder in Forschung, Lehre und universitärem Alltag, Pages 265–282, Böhlau, 2017.
In Proceedings of Refereed Conference:
- Lughofer E., Pollak R., Meyer-Heye P., Zörrer H., Eitzinger C., Lehner J., Radauer T., Pratama M.: Evolving Time-Series Based Prediction Models for Quality Criteria in a Multi-Stage Production Process, in: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS) 2018, IEEE Press, 2018.
- Lughofer E., Pollak R., Zavoianu C., Meyer-Heye P., Zörrer H., Eitzinger C., Haim J., Radauer T.: Self-Adaptive Time-Series Based Forecast Models for Predicting Quality Criteria in Microfluidics Chip Production, in: Proceedings of the IEEE Cybernetics Conference 2017, Series IEEE Cybernetics, IEEE Press, 2017.
- Zavoianu C., Lughofer E., Pollak R., Meyer-Heye P., Eitzinger C., Radauer T.: Multi-Objective Knowledge-Based Strategy for Process Parameter Optimization in Micro-Fluidic Chip Production, in: Proceedings of the SSCI 2017 Conference, Series Proceedings of the SCCI 2017 Conference, IEEE Press, 2017.
Presentation in Refereed Conference:
- Pollak R., Orientation Field Modeling of Low Skin Quality Biometric Fingerprints [Abstract, Slides], MOIMA 2016
- A pureImage-based presentation at Lange Nacht der Forschung 2010
- FLLL Git Workshop 2010
- Presentation of the Fuzzlebot at Lange Nacht der Forschung 2012
- Workshop "Image Processing and Face Recognition" at Akademie Traunkirchen 2012 and Projektwoche Angewandte Mathematik 2014
- FLLL Email Encryption Workshop 2013
- Co-Supervision of Master thesis Melinda Pap 2013/14
- Exercises "Mathematics for Mechatronics" + exercise group coordination, 2013/14, 2016/17, 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21
- PhD seminar 2014
- Mathematics for Social and Economic Sciences 2014
- KinderUni 2015, 2016, 2017
- FLLL Python Workshop 2015
- Machine learning experimentation stations at Lange Nacht der Forschung 2016 and 2018
- Co-Supervision of Master thesis Laura Peham 2019
- Inspections of prints - Improving the quality control of a printing process. In cooperation with Sony DADC Austria.
- Coating Inspection - Quality control of surface coating. In cooperation with an anonymous industry partner (measuring devices) and Profactor (applied production research).
- Munin - Metal sheet bending control. In cooperation with Trumpf Machine Tools and scch.
- Fingerprint I (Image Enhancement) - Given a database of fingerprint images, reduce the rejection rate by enhancing the images. An FFG project in cooperation with ekey biometric systems.
- Fingerprint II (Speedup) - Reducing processing time of fingerprint template extraction and matching without reducing detection quality. An FFG project in cooperation with ekey biometric systems.
- Fingerprint III (EBAM) - "Enhanced Biometrical Algorithms against Manipulation". An FFG project in cooperation with ekey biometric systems.
- Fingerprint IV (BAIAS) - "Biometrical Algorithm for Integration of Area Sensors". An FFG project in cooperation with ekey biometric systems.
- Fingerprint V (AIBA) - "Artificial Intelligence in Biometrical Algorithms". An FFG project in cooperation with ekey biometric systems.
- UseML - Improving the usability of machine learning in industrial inspection systems. In cooperation with Profactor (coordinator), Sony DADC BioSciences and Miba.
- geokonzept - Developing a forest navigation and mapping solution, in cooperation with Linz Center of Mechatronics.
- mvControl - Generating process feedback from heterogeneous data sources in quality control; an FFG project in collaboration with the coordinator Profactor and Sony DADC BioSciences / Stratec.
- MECON - Data-driven and knowledge-based modeling for blast furnace processes, in cooperation with Linz Center of Mechatronics and voestalpine Stahl GmbH.
- ROOCT - Early detection of radiation-induced skin damages with optical coherence tomography; a project in cooperation with Recendt and Ordensklinikum Linz, supported by Österreichische Krebshilfe Oberösterreich.