
The groupoid-based logic for lattice effect algebras

Ivan Chajda, Helmut Länger and Jan Paseka
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE 47th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, 230-235, Springer, 2017

Relatively pseudocomplemented posets

Ivan Chajda, Helmut Länger
Mathematica Bohemica 143, 1 (2018), 89–97 DOI 10.21136/MB.2017.0037-16

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Residuation in orthomodular lattices

Ivan Chajda, Helmut Länger
Topological Algebra and its Applications 5 (2017), 1-5.

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A triple representation of lattice effect algebras

Ivan Chajda, Helmut Länger
Mathematica Slovaca 66,6 (2016), 1261-1266

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On the structure of pseudo-BCK algebras

Ivan Chajda, Helmut Länger
Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 28 (2017), 179-188

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States on basic algebras

Ivan Chajda, Helmut Länger
Mathematica Bohemica 142, No. 2 (2017),197-210 DOI 10.21136/MB.2016.0056-14

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Relational systems with involution

Ivan Chajda and Helmut Länger
Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 9, 3 (2016) 1650087 (8 pages), DOI: 10.1142/S179355711650087X

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When does a semiring become a residuated lattice?

Ivan Chajda and Helmut Länger
Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 9, 3 (2016) 1650088 (10 pages), DOI: 10.1142/S1793557116500881

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Groupoids corresponding to relational systems

Ivan Chajda and Helmut Länger
Miskolc Mathematical Notes 17, 1 (2016), 111-118

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Subdirectly irreducible commutative multiplicatively idempotent semirings

Ivan Chajda and Helmut Länger
Algebra Universalis 76, 3 (2016), 327-337, DOI 10.1007/s00012-016-0403-2

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Convex congruences

Ivan Chajda and Helmut Länger
Soft Computing 21 (2017), 5641-5645, DOI 10.1007/s00500-016-2306-8

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On bounded posets arising from quantum mechanical measurements

Dietmar Dorninger and Helmut Länger
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 55, Nr. 10 (2016) 4453-4461, DOI 10.1007/s10773-016-3068-x

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On a variety of commutative multiplicatively idempotent semirings

Ivan Chajda and Helmut Länger
Semigroup Forum 94 (2017), 610-617

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An ordered structure of pseudo-BCI-algebras

I. Chajda and H. Länger.
Math. Bohemica 141 (2016), 91-98.

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On congruences of weak lattices

I. Chajda and H. Länger.
Soft Computing 20 (2016), 4767-4771, DOI 10.1007/s00500-015-2022-9.

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General coupled semirings of residuated lattices

I. Chajda and H. Länger.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 303 (2016) 128-135, DOI 10.1016/j.fss.2015.12.009.

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Coupled right orthosemirings induced by orthomodular lattices

I. Chajda and H. Länger.
Order 34 (2017), 1-7.

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Multiplicatively idempotent semirings

I. Chajda, H. Länger and F. Švrček.
Math. Bohemica 140 (2015), 35-42.

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An algebraic approach to binary relations

I. Chajda, H. Länger and P. Ševčík.
Asian-European J. Math. 8 (2015).

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A representation of basic algebras by coupled right near semirings

I. Chajda and H. Länger.
Acta Sci. Math. 81 (2015), 361-374.

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Properties of non-associative MV-algebras

I. Chajda and H. Länger.
Mathematica Slovaca 67, 5 (2017), 1095-1104.

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Model definability in relevant logic

G. Badia
IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications 4, 3 (2017), 623-646.

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Infinitary relevant languages with absurdity

G. Badia
Review of Symbolic Logic, 10 (4) (2018),663-681.

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On Sahlqvist formulas in relevant logic

G. Badia
Journal of Philosophical Logic, to appear, DOI 10.1007/s10992-017-9445-y

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On elimination of quantifiers in some non-classical mathematical theories

G. Badia and A. Tedder
Mathematical Logic Quarterly, to appear.

Variable sharing in substructural logics: an algebraic characterization

G. Badia
Bulletin of the Section of Logic, to appear.

A Note on Orthomodular Lattices

S. Bonzio and I. Chajda
Int J Theor Phys (2017) 56:3740-3743, DOI 10.1007/s10773-016-3258-6

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A Representation of Lattice Effect Algebras by Means of Right Near Semirings with Involution

I. Chajda and H. Länger
Int J Theor Phys (2017) 56:3719-3726, DOI 10.1007/s10773-016-3191-8

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Dynamic Logic Assigned to Automata

I. Chajda and J. Paseka
Int J Theor Phys (2017) 56:3794-3806, DOI 10.1007/s10773-017-3311-0

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Uniquely complemented posets

I. Chajda, H. Länger and J. Paseka
Order (2017), DOI 10.1007/s11083-017-9440-5

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The variety of commutative additively and multiplicatively idempotent semirings

I. Chajda and H. Länger
Semigroup Forum (2018) 96:409–415, DOI 10.1007/s00233-017-9905-2

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A representation of residuated lattices satisfying the double negation law

I. Chajda
Soft Computing, (2018) 22:1773–1776, DOI 10.1007%2Fs00500-017-2983-y

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Weakly orthomodular and dually weakly orthomodular lattices

I. Chajda and H. Länger
Order (2018), DOI 10.1007/s00500-017-2673-9

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When does a generalized Boolean quasiring become a Boolean ring?

I. Chajda and H. Länger
Soft Computing 22 (2018), 6877-6879, DOI 10.1007/s11083-017-9448-x

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On classes of structures axiomatizable by universal d-Horn sentences and universal positive disjunctions

G. Badia and J. Marcos
Algebra Universalis, (2018) 79:41.

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Weakly orthomodular and dually weakly orthomodular posets

I. Chajda and H. Länger
Asian-European J. Math. 11 (2018), 1850093 (18 pages), DOI 10.1142/S1793557118500936

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Saturated models in Mathematical Fuzzy Logic

G. Badia and C. Noguera
Proceedings of the IEEE ISMVL 2018, to appear.

Orthomodular lattices can be converted into left residuated l-groupoids

I. Chajda and H. Länger
Miskolc Math. Notes 18 (2017), 685-689.

On the structure of balanced near semirings

I. Chajda and H. Länger
Miskolc Math. Notes 18 (2017), 691-699.

Reduced axioms for the propositional logics induced by basic algebras

I. Chajda and M. Kolarík
Soft Computing, to appear, DOI 10.1007/s00500-017-2628-1

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Fraisse classes of graded relational structures

G. Badia and C. Noguera
Theoretical Computer Science, to appear.

Commutative rings whose ideal lattices are complemented

I. Chajda and H. Länger
Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, Volume 12, Number 1 (2019), 1950039 (12 pages).

Quantum measurements generating structures of numerical events

D. Dorninger and H. Länger
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Volume 6 (2018), Number 5, pages 982-996.

Structural properties of algebras of S-probabilities

D. Dorninger and H. Länger
Math. Slovaca 68 (2018), No. 3, 485-490.

Operations and structures derived from non-associative MV-algebras

I. Chajda, R. Halas and H. Länger
Soft Computing (2018)

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Ideals of direct products of rings

I. Chajda, G. Eigenthaler and H. Länger
Asian-European Journal of Mathematics,Volume 11, No. 6: 15: 57 (2018)

Uniquely Complemented Posets

I. Chajda, H. Länger and J. Paseka
Order DOI 10.1007/s11083-017-9440-5 (2018)

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Rees coextensions of finite, negative tomonoids

M. Petrík and T. Vetterlein
J. Log. Comput. 27, 337 - 356 (2017).

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Reasoning with graded information: the case of diagnostic scales in healthcare

T. Vetterlein and A. Zamansky
Fuzzy Sets Syst. 298, 411 - 423.(2016).

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Logic of approximate entailment in quasimetric spaces

T. Vetterlein
Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 64, 39 - 53 (2015).

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Real coextensions as a tool for constructing triangular norms

T. Vetterlein
Information Sciences 348, 357 - 376 (2016).

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A representation of finite, positive, commutative tomonoids

T. Vetterlein
J. of Mult.-Valued Logic & Soft Computing 29, 83 - 104 (2017).

Logic for approximate entailment in ordered universes of discourse

F. Esteva, Ll. Godo and T. Vetterlein
Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 71, 50- 63 (2016). .

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Logic of approximate entailment in quasimetric and in metric spaces

T. Vetterlein
Soft Comput. 21, 4953 - 4961 (2017). .

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The coextension of pomonoids and its application to triangular norms

J. Janda and T. Vetterlein
Quaest. Math. (2018) DOI: 10.2989/16073606.2018.1448308.

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On the coextension of cut-continuous pomonoids

D. Kruml, J. Paseka and T. Vetterlein
Order, to appear.

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The Conrad Program: From l-groups to algebras of logic

Michal Botur, Jan Kühr and Lianzhen Liu
J. Algebra 450, 173-203 (2016).

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Some properties of pseudo-BCK- and pseudo-BCI-algebras

P. Emanovsky and J. Kühr,
Fuzzy Sets Syst. 339 1--16 (2018).

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A note on residuated po-groupoids and lattice with antitone involutions,

I. Chajda and J. Kühr,
Math. Slovaca 67 553--560 (2017).

Filters on some classes of quantum B-algebras,

M. Botur, J. Paseka,
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 54 4397–4409 (2015).

The groupoid-based logic for lattice effect algebras,

I. Chajda, H. Länger, J. Paseka,
Proceedings of the 47th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Springer, 230–235, (2017).

Algebraic approach to tense operators,

I. Chajda, J. Paseka,
Heldermann, Lemgo, Germany, (2015).

Galois connections and tense operators on q-effect algebras,

I. Chajda, J. Paseka,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 298 56–68 (2016).

Transition operators assigned to physical systems,

I. Chajda, J. Paseka,
Reports on Mathematical Physics 78, 259–280 (2016).

Set representation of partial dynamic De Morgan algebras,

I. Chajda, J. Paseka,
In: Proceedings of the 46th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Springer, 119–124 (2016).

Dynamic logic assigned to automata,

I. Chajda, J. Paseka,
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 56, 3794–3806 (2017).

Topological systems as a framework for institutions,

J.T. Denniston, A. Melton, S.E. Rodabaugh, S.A. Solovyov,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 298, 91–108 (2016).

Sierpinski object for affine systems,

J.T. Denniston, A. Melton, S.E. Rodabaugh, S.A. Solovyov,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 313, 75–92 (2017).

Sierpinski object for affine systems,

J.T. Denniston, A. Melton, S.E. Rodabaugh, S.A. Solovyov,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 313, 75–92 (2017).

Categorical foundations of variety-based bornology,

J.T. Denniston, A. Melton, S.E. Rodabaugh, S.A. Solovyov,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 291, 132–143 (2016).

A representation theorem for quantale valued sup-algebras,

J. Paseka, R. Slesinger,
In: Proceedings of the 48th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Springer, 91–96 (2018).

On lax-algebraic (co)nuclei,

S.A. Solovyov,
Mathematics for Applications 5, 55–82 (2016).

On some basic constructions in categories of quantale-valued sup-lattices,

R. Slesinger,
Mathematics for Applications 5, 39–53 (2016).

Quantale-Valued Sup-Algebras,

R. Slesinger,
Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 15, 53–74 (2018).