
Call for Papers:


Special Session on:

"Fuzzy Machine Learning and Data Mining"


to be organized at the International Conference on Information
Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems
(IPMU 2010)
Dortmund, 28.06.2010 - 02.07.2010

 Daniel Sanchez (University of Granada - daniel@decsai.ugr.es)
   Edwin Lughofer
(University of Linz  - edwin.lughofer@jku.at),
  Abdelhamid Bouchachia
(University of Klagenfurt -



Aim of the Session

The EUSFLAT working group on Machine Learning and Data Mining (DAMI) is organizing a special session as part of IPMU 2010 conference in Dortmund.
The objective of the special session is to provide a forum for the discussion of recent advances in the application of fuzzy set methodology and technology to
data mining and machine learning problems, both in batch off-line and incremental on-line mode, and to offer an opportunity for researchers and practitioners
to identify and discuss recent advances and new promising research directions.


Topics of interest include but are not limited to the application of fuzzy sets, fuzzy systems and related methods in

- Data pre-processing and summarization
- Handling of incomplete and heterogeneous data,
- Data, text, and web mining methods
- Pattern recognition
- Dimensionality reduction and feature selection
- Interactive and on-line data mining, fuzzy mining of data streams
- Incremental/adaptive fuzzy clustering, fuzzy classification and fuzzy regression approaches
- Evolving fuzzy systems/classifiers
- Interpretability and process safety aspects
- Active and semi-supervised learning
- Human-machine interaction and the incorporation of background knowledge
- Mining at multiple levels of abstraction,
- Database querying and ad-hoc data mining,
- Visualization and presentation of data mining results.
- Postprocessing and summarization of knowledge
- Parallel and distributed mining algorithms
- Application cases of fuzzy data mining and machine learning


Important Dates

- Deadline for Papers Submission (regularly through the conference website):  January 17, 2010.

- Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: March 7, 2010.

- Deadline for Camera-ready papers: Open.


Organizers Contact Details

Daniel Sanchez
Email address:
Department of Computer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence
ETS Ing. Informatica
University of Grenada
+34 958 246397
+34 958 243317
Official HP:

Edwin Lughofer
Email address:
Fuzzy Logic Laboratorium Linz-Hagenberg
Softwarepark 21
A-4232 Hagenberg
Tel.: +43 (0)7236 / 3343 435
Fax: +43 (0)7236 / 3343 434
Official HP:

Abdelhamid Bouchachia
Email address: hamid@isys.uni-klu.ac.at
Dept of Informatics-systems
University of Klagenfurt
Universitaesstr. 65-67
Klagenfurt, 9020, Austria
Tel.: +43 (463) 2700-3525
Fax: +43 (463) 2700-3599
Official HP: